Region x vpppa conference
Region x vpppa conference

region x vpppa conference

She is hard working, takes initiative, very thorough and comprehensive, a prolific writer, exceptionally professional, and provides sites with recognition for areas of excellence and offers constructive suggestions for continuous improvements.


In addition, she also organized a full day training program for college students to visit a manufacturing site where she provided the students with training on workplace safety and health, ergonomics, OSHA workplace rights, and VPP. As such, she worked with a local chapter of the National Association of Manufacturers to present a training program on ergonomics. Kathy is a recognized subject matter expert in ergonomics. organized a VPP outreach and best practice sharing session for safety professionals from local employers and manufacturers to promote VPP and systems-based safety and health programs.evaluated five VPP annual reports of other companies in VPP and.assisted with a mentoring presentation during the regional VPPPA conference.assisted with a presentation during a SGE training course.

region x vpppa conference

Kathy Spanjer, CSP, Schneider Electric, Lincoln, Nebraska Because of Bill’s hard work and contributions to both the VPP and SGE Programs, he has made SGE history by being recognized as the SGE of the Year for a second time! Finalists: It is undeniable that Bill epitomizes and exhibits exceptional support, effort and action in VPP. He has served on the Region VII Board of Directors for nine (9) years, with the last five (5) years as Chairperson. He is also an active member of the Region VII VPPPA Mentoring Committee. The feedback indicates that Bill is very helpful and his assistance has proved beneficial to improving their program.Ĭurrently, Bill is the Region VII VPPPA Chairperson. Region VII’s VPP Manager routinely receives positive feedback from sites where Bill has been an SGE or a mentor. He always provides abatement assistance for hazards he discovers during VPP evaluations or mentoring visits. Bill willingly offers to share his employer’s safety and health programs at any site he evaluates or mentors. He excels in assisting employers with improving employee involvement programs and safety and health training. He possesses excellent hazard recognition skills, especially in the areas of fire protection, process safety management, and life safety code.

  • successfully led two of his own sites through VPP reapproval evaluations.īill has a great deal of technical expertise.
  • mentored two sites that successfully attained VPP reapproval and.
  • participated as an SGE Team Member on three (3) on-site evaluations.
  • William (Bill) Turner, NuStar Energy, Wichita, KSĭuring the 2020 calendar year and despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Bill: Steve is truly a stellar example of the high caliber of SGEs and an exceptional ambassador for the SGE program. He always promotes the VPP and the importance of having SGEs with sites he visits.

    region x vpppa conference

    He encourages sites that he has visited on evaluations to contact him with any questions or issues with which he may be able to assist. Steve is always available any time or anywhere to provide outreach or safety and health assistance to any site, individual, or group. He was elected to the National VPPPA Labor Management Safety Board in 2019. Steve is a proud member of IBEW and has worked tirelessly to promote and increase IBEW involvement in the VPP process at FPL. Steve was elected to the Region IV VPPPA Board of Directors as a representative for a union labor facility. His skills in OSHA regulations, hazard assessment, and managing Safety and Health Management Systems (SHMS) enable him to provide a thorough and competent assessment of safety and health worksite hazards and of the effectiveness of existing site controls.


    His professional knowledge in electrical safety makes him an invaluable VPP team member. Steve has been an SGE since June 20, 2017.

    region x vpppa conference

    Steve has taught CPR, heat stress management, forklift operator safety, electrical switching, and FPL corporate switching policy during his career with FPL. Steve began his career with Florida Power and Light (FPL) in 1982, completed a 4-year apprenticeship program, and is a qualified journeyman electrician and journeyman lineman.


  • Was a guest speaker for the 2021 July VPPPA’s Labor Summit, as well as developed a series of presentations on hydration for the VPPPA Labor Management Safety Board.
  • Mentored two (2) sites on the VPP application process.
  • Participated as an SGE Team Member on ten (10) on-site evaluations.
  • John (Steve) Donovan, Florida Power and Light, Ormond Beach, Florida

    Region x vpppa conference